JSC SBC ELT Members Elections
The JSC Small Business Council (SBC) Executive Leadership Team (ELT) is comprised of 16 member companies and 4 alternate companies. The ELT members are responsible for establishing and executing the SBC’s goals and objectives, organizing events, and acting as liaisons between SBC members and the small business representatives at NASA, SBC, and large prime businesses.
The operational year for the ELT will remain May through April. Each member company provides one primary point of contact (primary POC) and one alternate point of contact (alternate POC). Each member has one vote for elections and council decisions.
ELT Member Requirements:
ELT Members each serve up to a four-year term. Four of the 16 members are replaced each year.
Alternate companies who have met their requirements have the option to becoming one of the new members the following year.
We anticipate drawing for 3 new companies and 4 new alternate companies this year.
It is anticipated that the random drawing will be held by the ELT at our May 22nd monthly meeting.
Nominees will be notified of the results of the drawing the following week of May 25.
New members will attend first meeting on Friday, June 19th for officer elections and role sign ups.
If you are interested in becoming a member, please complete the form by Friday, May 15.
The operational year for the ELT will remain May through April. Each member company provides one primary point of contact (primary POC) and one alternate point of contact (alternate POC). Each member has one vote for elections and council decisions.
ELT Member Requirements:
- Current in SAM and not debarred or proposed for debarment
- Only one affiliated company may participate on ELT at any point in time
- Must participate in a minimum of 75% of monthly meetings in person
- Each member must either hold an officer position, committee chair or co-chair an event each year
- Provide financial resources when needed, not to exceed $500 annually
ELT Members each serve up to a four-year term. Four of the 16 members are replaced each year.
Alternate companies who have met their requirements have the option to becoming one of the new members the following year.
We anticipate drawing for 3 new companies and 4 new alternate companies this year.
It is anticipated that the random drawing will be held by the ELT at our May 22nd monthly meeting.
Nominees will be notified of the results of the drawing the following week of May 25.
New members will attend first meeting on Friday, June 19th for officer elections and role sign ups.
If you are interested in becoming a member, please complete the form by Friday, May 15.