The JSC Small Business Council's goal is to host at least one networking event annually for small businesses to learn the latest information from NASA and other industry partners, as well as, U.S. Small Business Administration representatives.
JSC SBC Small Business Event - 2017
JSC SBC 2017 ACHIEVING SUCCESS THROUGH PARTNERSHIPS AND COMMUNITY Wednesday, August 2nd, 2017 University of Houston Clear Lake, Bayou Building, Level II - Bayou Theater and Atrium II 2700 Bay Area Blvd., Houston, Texas 77058 You are invited to the JSC SBC Small Business Event - 2017 JSC SBC 2017 ACHIEVING SUCCESS THROUGH PARTNERSHIPS AND COMMUNITY The JSC Small Business Council will host its 2017 Event on August 2, 2017, at the University of Houston Clear Lake, Houston, Texas The event will take place from 8:00 am – 4:30 pm (CDT) with invited speakers and panelists from Industry, NASA/JSC and SBA Houston District Office. Click Here to view the EVENT AGENDA |
Download the JSC SBC Small Business Event - 2017 Presentations here: